Sunday 26 June 2016

Business risk

Business risk
                      Business comes in a variety of tangible and intangible assets during the lifecycle of the risk business forms. While others are due to unusual circumstances that are not easily identified at risk, the ordinary course of business operations.

 Regardless of a company, industry or income level business model, should be identified as part of a strategic business plan to business risks. Once risks are identified, companies should take appropriate steps to manage them to protect their business assets measures. The most common types of applied risk management businesses include avoidance, reduction, transfer and acceptance.

Avoidance of Risk

                                   Identifying the easiest way for a company to manage risk is to avoid the formation completely. In its most common form, when a company refuses to participate in rescue activities are considered to carry a risk of any type occurs. For example, the cost of building the location of a company does not generate enough income to cover over a building that could leave the shopping for a new retail location as a threat. Similarly, a hospital or medical practice is known to carry a high degree of risk to the welfare of younger patients can avoid performing certain procedures. To avoid the risk of a business is an easy way to manage the potential risks, the strategy also resulted in a loss of potential income.

Risk Mitigation

                                 Companies can also choose to manage risk through mitigation or reduction. Reduced business is intended to minimize any negative consequences or specific names effects of risks, known threats, and most often the business risks are inevitable. For example, a manufacturer of research and analysis of such a detailed analysis of the potential costs of the return receipt mitigates risk by holding a particular model. Buyers are required to pay for damages incurred by a defective vehicle is less than the total capital cost of the recall, the automaker may choose to issue a recall. Similarly, software companies reduce not working properly by releasing products in the process of the danger of a new program. Risk capital waste can be reduced through this strategy, but there is always a degree of risk.

Transfer of Risk

                                  In some cases, companies choose to move out of the risk organization. Risk transfer in exchange for protection against damage is usually done by a premium paid to an insurance company. For example, expenditure can be used for a company's financial losses when it is a building or other installation damage insurance. Similarly, professionals in the financial services industry and mistakes that they can purchase insurance to protect them from lawsuits filed by poor or omissions fail to receive advice to customers or clients.

Risk Acceptance

                          Risk management can also be done through risk acceptance. The company plans to expand or create specific reason to expect a certain level to maintain the company's activities, the risk is much higher profits than its potential risk. For example, pharmaceutical companies often use retention or acceptance of risk in the development of a new drug. Research and development costs, does not outweigh the potential revenue generated by the sale of the new drug risk is considered acceptable.

How do companies identify and manage business risk?

                                           At each stage of the business life cycle, facing both internal and external risks that companies can have a negative impact on operations. Startup companies and established organizations a strategic business plan for the ability to identify risks to the successful operation rate risk component. Businesses are identified using a variety of methods threats, but each of the identifier strategy is based on a thorough analysis of specific business activities can challenge for the company. Most business models, organizations, acceptance, transfer, that can be managed through the reduction or elimination, strategic and external risks facing avoidable.

Preventable Risks

                                  All organizations face when it is identified correctly can be curbed to some internal threats. Preventable risks are illegal or immoral acts or operational systems in human danger, or the company or employees, as breakdown management. Companies set the level of tolerance for each type of internal risk because there may be a time in the life cycle of business mistakes. However, strong corporate governance policies and help eliminate the avoidable risks within an organization or continuous monitoring of operational procedures.

Strategic Risks

                           Unlike internal threats, are not entirely undesirable strategic risks. Pharmaceutical companies are exposed to a new drug research and risk strategy through the development of financial institutions such as banks or credit unions, assume the risk of lending strategies by users. The risks associated with these strategies include each organization's business objectives. Are managed effectively, the approval of risk strategies can create highly profitable operations.
                                        Companies exposed to a lot of risk, strategy and possible negative consequences by maintaining the infrastructure that support high-risk projects can be reduced. A risky business failure often existing projects as a system, strong cash flow or the ability to finance new projects in an affordable way, and a comprehensive process to review and diversity also includes the financial based on an analysis of possible future return on investment for companies in difficulty monitoring.

External Risks

                               All companies face risks to which they have little or no control. External risks from changes in national and international economic environment, changes in the political landscape, and natural disasters. Some organizations are more certain than others are exposed to external risks, may create risk management strategies to reduce the long-term effects of negative results of all the companies and external threats. Liability or property and casualty insurance is often used to transfer the financial burden of external threats to a third party or an insurance company.

All risk management plans are structured in the same way, but all companies should be able to identify each of the strategic internal and external risks associated with specific activities. By firms and accepts the transfer, retention strategies to eliminate risks or organization can reduce the negative consequences of a risk materializing.

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